neither collects nor stores data which could be used to identify persons. All of its services are realised in Europe. Whilst the ReadSpeaker function is in use, technical cookies are stored on the user’s device [...] (e.g. PDF or Word documents). 6. Cookies When visiting our web pages, different information can be stored on your computer in the form of a cookie. Cookies are small text files which are sent by a web server [...] function in question (30 days max.). If the ReadSpeaker function is not activated, no cookies will be stored on the device when one visits the webpage in question. Further information can be found in the data
voz alta la zona de lectura centralLa aplicación optaro® puede descargarse gratuitamente de la App Store de ApplePuerto de carga USB-C para una carga sencilla mediante cable USB‑CLanyard para llevarla c