colour modesPhoto function with option of saving photos on inserted SD card (can be switched off)Stable, robust and ergonomicThe tilting camera makes it easier to carry out handicraft work and enables
transmissionAlso available with X/Y table: Movable cross table for even greater comfort when readingStable and ergonomicIndividual adjustment thanks to horizontal and vertical brakesAlso available with r
transmissionAlso available with X/Y table: Movable cross table for even greater comfort when readingStable and ergonomicIndividual adjustment thanks to horizontal and vertical brakesAlso available with r
transmissionAlso available with X/Y table: Movable cross table for even greater comfort when readingStable and ergonomicIndividual adjustment thanks to horizontal and vertical brakesAlso available with r
transmissionAlso available with X/Y table: Movable cross table for even greater comfort when readingStable and ergonomicIndividual adjustment thanks to horizontal and vertical brakesAlso available with r